Beyond Solitaire

Episode 184 - Laine Nooney on the Apple II Age

Liz Davidson Season 10 Episode 184

This week on the pod, NYU professor Laine Nooney discusses their work on gaming and computer history, how we collect material artifacts that shed light on the digital past, and how to write about a computer system that for some has already entered the realm of myth. Also, they mention their journal, ROMchip, which is currently fundraising and which is a great cause to support. Go enjoy ROMchip's stream about it this Saturday, Feb. 22:

Keep the Faith STREAM:

Keep the Faith campaign: 

Beyond Solitaire is proudly sponsored by Central Michigan University's Center for Learning Through Games and Simulations, where learning can be both playful and compelling. Check them out here:
Check out CMU's game offerings here:

Sign up for an online game design class here:

All episodes of my podcast are available here: